Im sick so damn much & it annoys the hell out of me. I would love for once to not be tired, to not have a headache, to not be dizzy or lightheaded or have balance issues. Id love to not have stomach issues w/ everything i eat, & same with heartburn.
Ive been trying 2 workout & i do good, but something always happens to cancel the good. & i have such issues with eating. Im always damn hungry, but i dont have time, patience, $ or ingredients to be making what i should be eating. I just feel like im stuck in a damn vicious cycle.
& then my apartment is another story. I het nowhere w/this fucking place. No wonder im so stressed & depressed all the time. Grrr!!! & when i ask for some fucking help, when im so damn desperate that im sucking up my pride & asking for a hand, NO ONE helps. They say they will but never do.
Just so fucking tired of it all. I really am.
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