So, in less then a week and a half, we had planned and made reservations to Hawai'i. I'm in the middle of our trip and am finally finding time to write something about it. It has been absolutely amazing, gorgeous and breathtaking... But its also been aggrevating, pissy, and quite near to fucked up levels...
That being said, I'm happy that I was able to have this experience. Despite the fights, the awkward moments, the conversations I shouldn't have overheard, the people ganging up on each other or against one person, etc... It has been absolutely glorious.
Instead of staying at a hotel or resort, we rented a house where the ocean is literally right behind the house. So as I type this, it is dead silent except for the crashing of the waves. it is absolutely beautiful. I've got so many things running through my head and just don't know where to start... haven't known and don't know if I'll be ablet to find where to start...
I want to write, draw, catch up on homework, read, just spend some time with my thoughts... But again, don't know where to start.
Write a journal, poetry, start a story....?
Looks like i lost my chance... the waves and sleepiness are finally taking hold. guess I will have to put this on hold and try to start again tomorrow. :)
Paradise awaits me...
My Soul is laid out before you. No hopes for acceptance , no need for forgiveness. Just me, bare and willing, being honest too far to measure...
18 October 2012
11 July 2012
Because Every Day, Its the Little Things You Discover That Make You Smile... :)
One of my favorite Webcomic artists recently reposted their blog link because they are discussing their upcoming wedding. Go read it and be prepared to go da'aawwwwwwww.... :)
She Said Yes
She Said Yes
03 July 2012
A journey of Me.... For me...
July 14-21 I'm heading out on a trip of my complete making. Going to San Diego to see the Bride To Be and help plan and make some stuff for the wedding. Then from there, i'm heading up to Anaheim, Monterey, Cambria, Yosemite, etc... I'm stressing about this trip because itll be my very first solo roadtrip of this magnitude. But i'm also very excited. I'm taking my dogs with me, so i'll definitely have companionship.
But i need help. I really want to spend this time writing, drawing, taking pictures... Anything to try to recapture my muse and kick start my creative juices again. I've been living in a stagnant situation for my life and i need to stop it. I'm really hoping to turn this trip into a Self Discovery trip and figure out what it is that I want to do in my life and so on.
I'm not in a happy situation in my mindset, my heart or my life in general. & I need to take this time to figure out my life plan, or at least a general guideline to get me back on track. I'm almost 30 and i have no life savings, no degree (this matters to me because i know what i want to do, not because its demanded by 1/2 of society), no real travel experience under my belt, i haven't left the states since I was a baby, I have had no relationships and i've allowed myself to be suffocated by false and posionous "friendships".
I want to spend this time working on me emotionally, physically, mentally, creatively, etc. In order to get past this point that i've allowed myself to get stuck in, I need to do something to resurrect my Muse and the goodness that my creativity and balance brought to me.
But i'm honestly unsure of how to do this and i think i'm going to get overwhelmed with 8 days on a trip, BY MYSELF... Alone with my thoughts... 0.o I can already feel the pressure in my chest at just the idea of it.
So, where do I go to get ideas on how to get past this hump? To get ideas to spark inspiration. I'm not sure on where to look. But i know i want to write, draw, paint, journal, photograph, etc.... Should I just see what pops into my head, or should I give topics for each day and just go from there?
But i need help. I really want to spend this time writing, drawing, taking pictures... Anything to try to recapture my muse and kick start my creative juices again. I've been living in a stagnant situation for my life and i need to stop it. I'm really hoping to turn this trip into a Self Discovery trip and figure out what it is that I want to do in my life and so on.
I'm not in a happy situation in my mindset, my heart or my life in general. & I need to take this time to figure out my life plan, or at least a general guideline to get me back on track. I'm almost 30 and i have no life savings, no degree (this matters to me because i know what i want to do, not because its demanded by 1/2 of society), no real travel experience under my belt, i haven't left the states since I was a baby, I have had no relationships and i've allowed myself to be suffocated by false and posionous "friendships".
I want to spend this time working on me emotionally, physically, mentally, creatively, etc. In order to get past this point that i've allowed myself to get stuck in, I need to do something to resurrect my Muse and the goodness that my creativity and balance brought to me.
But i'm honestly unsure of how to do this and i think i'm going to get overwhelmed with 8 days on a trip, BY MYSELF... Alone with my thoughts... 0.o I can already feel the pressure in my chest at just the idea of it.
So, where do I go to get ideas on how to get past this hump? To get ideas to spark inspiration. I'm not sure on where to look. But i know i want to write, draw, paint, journal, photograph, etc.... Should I just see what pops into my head, or should I give topics for each day and just go from there?
29 June 2012
As Of Late....
I've been having a hard time in all aspects of my life. I've been losing little parts of me and have unsuccessfully been hunting for the pieces that i miss. I used to draw, write, create ALL the time. There was never a waking moment that I was not creating something, or planning something to create. I was happy, I was glowing, I was overflowing with MY talent.
Now, its almost as if my talent has dried up, like I'm creatively sterile. And this thought scares the living daylights out of me. I've never wanted to just Exist. I wanted to live, explore, conquer, fail, retry, etc. My younger, hopeful, creative self had such dreams and aspirations for me. & I honestly have no clue where I lost myself.
Now, my days are full of me just trying to get through the day, hoping to have a free moment to create something but it never happening because I don't want it to take away from the thing that I need to do. I've let responsibilities to life and 'whats expected' drown out the things that make me happy.
But I'm unsure of how to change this. I don't know where to begin, what to do, where to go, nothing. & I'm scared that if I don't get myself back on track, things are going to take a dark turn for my soul...
There is so much i need to get off my chest, and i don't know where to start... Maybe I will force myself to sit down tonight at dinner and finally start gathering my thoughts. Stop hiding from them...
Now, its almost as if my talent has dried up, like I'm creatively sterile. And this thought scares the living daylights out of me. I've never wanted to just Exist. I wanted to live, explore, conquer, fail, retry, etc. My younger, hopeful, creative self had such dreams and aspirations for me. & I honestly have no clue where I lost myself.
Now, my days are full of me just trying to get through the day, hoping to have a free moment to create something but it never happening because I don't want it to take away from the thing that I need to do. I've let responsibilities to life and 'whats expected' drown out the things that make me happy.
But I'm unsure of how to change this. I don't know where to begin, what to do, where to go, nothing. & I'm scared that if I don't get myself back on track, things are going to take a dark turn for my soul...
There is so much i need to get off my chest, and i don't know where to start... Maybe I will force myself to sit down tonight at dinner and finally start gathering my thoughts. Stop hiding from them...
03 May 2012
Reason Why I LOVE May... (& a slight hint at how mad i truly am)
I live in Arizona, so I'm surrounded by Mexican Heritage pretty much 24/7/365... But, thankfully, I'm a Mexican Food FANATIC!! & New Mexican Cuisine. I crave it pretty much all day, every day. Then you take that and multiply it by, oh lets say, INFINITY!! & that's how my Cravings are when I've been drinking. So what has brought this tangent about?!?!
Today is our Companies annual salsa competition. And boy, am I an addict for my salsa. I kid you not. If i smell salsa or even hear the word, you best put me into a straight jacket and tie me down because I will HUNT the salsa until its mine. Now, i don't mind some store brand salsas. Picante is a decent make do when I'm in a bind. Macayo's salsa is pretty damn good (even for it being mild) but only when you get it in the restaurant. Most places serve a sweeter salsa and i have a hard time caring for it, but oh will i still eat it. Its funny really, i used to only dip my chips in it and would throw the chunkies out. But now, i will load the chip up with every chunky that can fit and hope that they have absorbed the sauce in their juiciness. And because I have learned to embrace and love the chunkies, my new favorite when it comes to salsa is... HOMEMADE!! nothing beats homemade for me now!! and I can't get enough of them. I need to learn to make my own so i can have salsa on hand at my beckon call.
Moral of this whole blog is,
Also, I really do need to become more of a cook, even if its just to give into my own madness... ;^{P
Cinco De Mayo,
May 5,
Mexican Food,
Trying to Save $ By Eating Healthy & Cooking At Home
Every time i look at my account balance and try to figure out where all my moneys gone and why haven't i been able to save something, i end up going through my transactions and see that the majority of my purchases are food related. Whether its grocery stores or eating out. I need to remedy this, and the best way i can think is by starting to plan meals and actually cooking for more then one meal.
But this is hard when I've never been much of a cooker and also when i mostly cook from bags, boxes and cans. I'm unfortunately one of those 'lets do it the easy way' "chefs". and i really would like to break this habit. My wallet and health are being affected, and i think it would also be another great way to calm myself from the days events.
Now, with that in mind, I need as much help as possible to find healthy alternatives that are also cheap. Easy recipes that a beginner can do, ideas on food plans for the week, etc. I honestly don't know how my mom used to plan out the weeks meals and actually cook them without ever changing her mind. I mean, she used to have calendars posted on the fridge of what she would make for breakfast, what shed be preparing for my school lunch, options i could have for after school snack, and finally what was going to be for dinner.
Its sad that I used to tease her about this and hated being on a schedule like that, and now that's all I wish I had. I need to discipline myself and gain some will power. Have a dinner planned and if something happens that i don't get home with enough time to make the meal and eat before a halfway decent time (730 pm), then i need a backup option.
But enough of the what i would like(s)... I need to focus on the actual cooking part. Maybe if I actually started cooking and having more confidence in my "chef" skills, then I'll be able to have more confidence in starting and sticking to a schedule.
With that being said, a lovely coworker hooked me on this site:
Budget Bytes
It is an amazing site with many recipes on it and a nice step by step blog journey, costs, etc. I have quite a few recipes saved that i cannot wait to try and this weekend or the next, I'll be cooking for the week. :) Here are just a few samples of what I would love to try:
Now, are there any other websites, cookbooks, etc that can be recommended for healthier eating and beginning cookers? I'm very open to trying new things and attempt cooking. :)
But this is hard when I've never been much of a cooker and also when i mostly cook from bags, boxes and cans. I'm unfortunately one of those 'lets do it the easy way' "chefs". and i really would like to break this habit. My wallet and health are being affected, and i think it would also be another great way to calm myself from the days events.
Now, with that in mind, I need as much help as possible to find healthy alternatives that are also cheap. Easy recipes that a beginner can do, ideas on food plans for the week, etc. I honestly don't know how my mom used to plan out the weeks meals and actually cook them without ever changing her mind. I mean, she used to have calendars posted on the fridge of what she would make for breakfast, what shed be preparing for my school lunch, options i could have for after school snack, and finally what was going to be for dinner.
Its sad that I used to tease her about this and hated being on a schedule like that, and now that's all I wish I had. I need to discipline myself and gain some will power. Have a dinner planned and if something happens that i don't get home with enough time to make the meal and eat before a halfway decent time (730 pm), then i need a backup option.
But enough of the what i would like(s)... I need to focus on the actual cooking part. Maybe if I actually started cooking and having more confidence in my "chef" skills, then I'll be able to have more confidence in starting and sticking to a schedule.
With that being said, a lovely coworker hooked me on this site:
Budget Bytes
It is an amazing site with many recipes on it and a nice step by step blog journey, costs, etc. I have quite a few recipes saved that i cannot wait to try and this weekend or the next, I'll be cooking for the week. :) Here are just a few samples of what I would love to try:
- Chocolate & Banana Baked Oatmeal
- Parsley Pesto Pasta (or Triple P)
- Spinach Artichoke Pasta (this is the one I'm SUPER excited about!!!!!!!)
- Her Top 10 Freezer Meals (will be perfect for me for work & all)
- Southwest Salad w/Taco Ranch Dressing
Now, are there any other websites, cookbooks, etc that can be recommended for healthier eating and beginning cookers? I'm very open to trying new things and attempt cooking. :)
PS: this isn't a healthy recipe, but it caught my eye and i CANNOT wait to try it... started salivating as soon as I saw it!! }:^) So Not Healthy Yummy Gooey-ness!!
PS: this isn't a healthy recipe, but it caught my eye and i CANNOT wait to try it... started salivating as soon as I saw it!! }:^) So Not Healthy Yummy Gooey-ness!!
budget bytes,
freezer foods,
healthier eating,
01 May 2012
The only thing making something IMPOSSIBLE is your PERSPECTIVE
now, before I get into what started and inspired this blog, i have to admit that i struggled with what was the right word for my title. Perception or Perspective. I'm still unsure as I think either one would have been right. But I also still doubt that either one is right. lol
per·cep·tion [per-sep-shuhn] noun
1.the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
2.immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
4.Psychology . a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present.
per·spec·tive [per-spek-tiv] noun
1.a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface. Compare aerial perspective, linear perspective.
2.a picture employing this technique, especially one in which it is prominent: an architect's perspective of a house.
3.a visible scene, especially one extending to a distance; vista: a perspective on the main axis of an estate.
4.the state of existing in space before the eye: The elevations look all right, but the building's composition is a failure in perspective.
5.the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship: You have to live here a few years to see local conditions in perspective.
Now, sadly, this will bother me most of my morning. I think I chose the right word, but then I always doubt/second guess myself. lol
To The Point:
reason for this blog is because of inspiration. I was sitting at my
computer at work, looking up images of balloons so i can start working
on my drawing. all the balloon clusters that i was drawing from my mind
were coming out, quite frankly, looking a little like tapioca pudding
or cottage cheese. Unhappy with my imagination to hand skills, I
decided to find something online that I could use as
reference/inspiration to get a jump start on how i want my picture to
turn out. Lo & behold, this is what I found:
Now, I didn't believe this when I was reading the article. I've heard of the men who have tried to tie balloons to their lawn chairs and take off, and those always have disasterous (yet hysterical) results. But this man planned and SUCCEEDED in crossing the alps in a lawn chair tied to these things. Grant it, as I was watching the video completely awe-struck, I started getting clammy skinned and hard to breath as I saw what was holding him up from falling to the world below. It definitely affirmed my fear of heights and that I won't be rushing out to try this anytime soon.
but this man and what he does, it is inspiring. Hes done what people thought was IMPOSSIBLE. So it really is all about perspective/perception (seriously, let me know which you think is better. i whole heartedly think perspective but accept that i just maybe wrong). if you think its going to be impossible and so you never try, it really is impossible. But if you think its impossible and try, then you know what? you are a dreamer and a hoper. Trying and failing is always better then not trying at all. So when someone tells you "oh you can't do that, its impossible", you can turn around and ask them "have you done it? no? then how do you know its impossible?"
So go out there and dream big and dream vast. Life is too short to sit there worrying and never living. Prove that the impossible is a myth and inspire the world like this man has. I know hes inspired me. :)
cluster balloons,
dream big,
30 April 2012
Untitled 4-30-12
I think i'm newly addicted to her... :)
You say I dream too big,
That i'm setting myself up for failure.
Don't want to hear my plans,
because you already know their end.
You laugh, tsk & belittle,
thinking you are doing me a favor,
& yet you get angry when i just stare and smile.
Well go ahead and burst my bubble,
poke these balloons with your doubt,
I'll just laugh and thank you later,
as my dreams, my plans, my future
comes bursting out
No confines to hold them any longer,
No doubt stunting their growth.
Your words that tried to draw my blood,
are the very words that set me free,
No longer under your rule,
No longer victim to your scrutiny.
Well go ahead and burst my bubble,
poke these balloons with your doubt,
I'll just laugh and thank you later
as my dreams, my plans, my future
comes bursting out
I know your dreams were taken from you,
and so you've tried to take back your power.
But my biggest wish that i'll dare utter,
is that you'll close your mind,
open your heart, and fly with me.
Bring that smile back for your world to grow.
So go ahead and fill your bubble,
patch your balloons and lose your doubt.
We will laugh and you can thank me later
when your hope takes flight.
Again, not the greatest of poems. sometimes i wanted to rhyme, sometimes i didn't feel like it. But the song inspired the chorus which actually started out as a picture that i'm going to start working on. For not having my muse visit me in a LONG while, This one makes me feel happy. Able to get a little bit off my chest about how some important people in my life are about all my 'pipe' dreams. Just have to stay steadfast and true and know that i'm the only one who can bring me down. also, need to work harder at bringing my muse back home and keeping her with me...
sweet dreams world. feels good to get something out on paper (literally & virtually)....
keep calm,
never give up,
pipe dreams,
22 April 2012
New Beginnings
Things are about to change, and I'm going to make sure they are changed for the better. I'm currently packing up my belongings, my life, into 3 categories. Keep to go into the new house, storage, and "find-someone-else-who-can-appreciate-what-i-didnt". I hate packing for a variety of reasons. In the past couple of years, i've done it way too much for my liking, and i've never fully unpacked. EVER!!
Well, now i want things to be different. I want to be able to have time to blog, do artwork, write, workout, travel, etc. I would like to focus on the things i enjoy and that would make me the person i would like to be, rather then constantly cleaning or trying to situate things. I've allowed myself to live in an insane clutter and i don't want it to happen anymore. Its time that i make a difference. Maybe if i finally live how i've been wanting, i'll be able to focus on schoolwork and have a life.
But the point of this New Beginnings blog is to document the things I would like to change and hopefully how i can do them. :)
Eat Healthy
Exercise Semi-Daily
Save $
Take care of myself and my critters properly and efficiently
Work on my jewelry for friends and to sell
Write (poems, journals, finish my novel)
Work on my artwork and my style
Follow the pinup/vintage fashion that i've been wanting to for years
Finish my Anthropology & psychology degree (& consider furthering said degrees)
Go to school for makeup/costume/set design
Learn to REALLY cook (not out of boxes or cans)
Go out and meet some new friends
Go out and meet SOMEONE
Travel to see family
& I know that there is soooooo much more!! Hopefully i'll be able to remember them and add them later. I just know that my 28 years on this planet, i have hardly lived. Sure, i've lived and traveled with my parents, but I haven't lived myself. I haven't done what i've said i wanted to do or gone where i've said i wanted to go.
For example. I wanted to make Irealand happen this year. Well, it won't be now because of money issues. a nd because i'm having to move in with my parents because of money issues. I'm hoping ot be staying with them for about 5 years to save up money and get bills paid off and everything. So hopefully, my first year living with them, i can pay off all debt that i ahve, fix my credit and then be able to save up and go to ireland!! That is my new goal.
I feel like an idiot for saying i was making Ireland happen this year, but it not happening is completely out of my control. I know it could be done, but there would be alot of sacrificing of bills, and those need paid off. I need to fix my past mistakes before i can FULLY enjoy my life and have fun.
*sigh*.... i guess i must finish this for now. I have a house to pack and sort thru. 'woo'...
Well, now i want things to be different. I want to be able to have time to blog, do artwork, write, workout, travel, etc. I would like to focus on the things i enjoy and that would make me the person i would like to be, rather then constantly cleaning or trying to situate things. I've allowed myself to live in an insane clutter and i don't want it to happen anymore. Its time that i make a difference. Maybe if i finally live how i've been wanting, i'll be able to focus on schoolwork and have a life.
But the point of this New Beginnings blog is to document the things I would like to change and hopefully how i can do them. :)
Eat Healthy
Exercise Semi-Daily
Save $
Take care of myself and my critters properly and efficiently
Work on my jewelry for friends and to sell
Write (poems, journals, finish my novel)
Work on my artwork and my style
Follow the pinup/vintage fashion that i've been wanting to for years
Finish my Anthropology & psychology degree (& consider furthering said degrees)
Go to school for makeup/costume/set design
Learn to REALLY cook (not out of boxes or cans)
Go out and meet some new friends
Go out and meet SOMEONE
Travel to see family
& I know that there is soooooo much more!! Hopefully i'll be able to remember them and add them later. I just know that my 28 years on this planet, i have hardly lived. Sure, i've lived and traveled with my parents, but I haven't lived myself. I haven't done what i've said i wanted to do or gone where i've said i wanted to go.
For example. I wanted to make Irealand happen this year. Well, it won't be now because of money issues. a nd because i'm having to move in with my parents because of money issues. I'm hoping ot be staying with them for about 5 years to save up money and get bills paid off and everything. So hopefully, my first year living with them, i can pay off all debt that i ahve, fix my credit and then be able to save up and go to ireland!! That is my new goal.
I feel like an idiot for saying i was making Ireland happen this year, but it not happening is completely out of my control. I know it could be done, but there would be alot of sacrificing of bills, and those need paid off. I need to fix my past mistakes before i can FULLY enjoy my life and have fun.
*sigh*.... i guess i must finish this for now. I have a house to pack and sort thru. 'woo'...
10 April 2012
its funny when you give yourself a moment to stop and think about it....
You go insane when you lock yourself into the same ole' routine. All you want to do is break free from it, yet you are scared of breaking said routine. Why is it that when you want to change yourself, better yourself... That's when its hardest to break old habits. But its the easiest thing in the world to do what is absolutely and completely wrong for you... they say that it takes doing something 21 times consecutively for it to become a habit, but it takes only once to break that habit.
And how does one grow will power? that is proving to be my greatest battle yet. Learning to tell myself no and doing what needs done but i don't want to do. I know the changes i need to make and yet its so easy to keep myself from following through.
I need to blog more. Need to write poetry, short stories, my thoughts... i let the moods pass by and I'm still unsure why. But i know i have alot on my mind that i can twist and mold into something absolutely amazing. I just have to allow myself the time to do it... *sigh* Behind on it all when that's the only way to keep me sane. I thought that doing the monthly challenges was going to be helpful, but so far it hasn't been. just became another something that i procrastinate on or forget about. I'm hoping that its just my current living conditions that's sapping my energy and my muse from me.
Oh lord, how i hope that's all it is. That I'm not loosing the flair that i once held so tightly in my soul. talent can't disappear just like that for no reason can it? I need some true inspiration, so push, some gumption. I need to stop falling in old ways that are deadly for me.... I need to surround myself with creativity and positive influences. gather myself and figure out what i want, who i am and who i would like to become. reconfigure my dreams so that i have something to work towards, so I'll stop existing. I need to conquer something, explore something, LIVE!!
I... NEED.... To... Be... FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And how does one grow will power? that is proving to be my greatest battle yet. Learning to tell myself no and doing what needs done but i don't want to do. I know the changes i need to make and yet its so easy to keep myself from following through.
I need to blog more. Need to write poetry, short stories, my thoughts... i let the moods pass by and I'm still unsure why. But i know i have alot on my mind that i can twist and mold into something absolutely amazing. I just have to allow myself the time to do it... *sigh* Behind on it all when that's the only way to keep me sane. I thought that doing the monthly challenges was going to be helpful, but so far it hasn't been. just became another something that i procrastinate on or forget about. I'm hoping that its just my current living conditions that's sapping my energy and my muse from me.
Oh lord, how i hope that's all it is. That I'm not loosing the flair that i once held so tightly in my soul. talent can't disappear just like that for no reason can it? I need some true inspiration, so push, some gumption. I need to stop falling in old ways that are deadly for me.... I need to surround myself with creativity and positive influences. gather myself and figure out what i want, who i am and who i would like to become. reconfigure my dreams so that i have something to work towards, so I'll stop existing. I need to conquer something, explore something, LIVE!!
I... NEED.... To... Be... FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28 February 2012
Here is a gift i started for someone close to me. its nowhere near finished and this is before i did the next step, add stars. It looks even cooler now that i've added the stars. :)
I have to add the names still andseal it. Will add pics with the stars as soon as i can. :) but love how the sky turned out!!
Creative Every Day Challenge - February Theme "NIGHT"
this month has been on thats been nothing but roller coasters. First, things start to look up and get better, then the rugs pulled out from under me and i feel like i'm suffocating on responsibilities, lies and expectations from others.
a Year ago i lost someone pretty important. Dusti Jo Barkley had given birth 2/14/2011. not even a week later she was taken to the hospital for trouble breathing, in which she was put into a medically induced coma to allow medicines and procedures to take affect. During this coma, she had a blod clot that travelled to her brain. Long, complicated story short, she was declared brain dead 2/24/11 and they took her off life support at midnight 2/25/2011. She didn't even get a full week with her son, Everett Waylan Barkley. This has been a rough year for all who knew and loved her, and it was only made harder and worse with the issues and problems that her now widow has caused. Thankfully those of us who truly knew and cared about her have been keeping her memory going and untarnished.
Having lived up in Flagstaff for almost two years, i had found a spot that became my go to when i need to get away and think. Hardly anyone went up there at night which made it so much easier to get away when i needed to. Now that i've moved back down to Phoenix, i miss this spot, especially lately when things have been going south. That is what has inspired my submission for February. Because this spot can only be truly enjoyed at night, when it is dead silent and pitch black that you feel like you could reach out and scoop the stars from the sky. The background picture for my blog is near the my hideaway. The way the sky is in this picture is compareable but not exact to my view. Yes, flagstaff is a dark city so the sky is this full and star studded. It is an amazing place to jsut go, stare, get lost in your thoughts and relax.
Right now with how things are going in my life, i need my spot more then ever, but must find another one if i'm to survive the trials and tribulations being thrown at me. I do recommend finding your own safe place and enjoy it often when you need to gather your thoughts and calm down. It makes a difference in your sanity.
My Submission:
The idea for the picture came while i was just free writing. I don't care too much for the words, but i'm pretty content with teh picture. i was sitting at my desk at work when the inspiration hit, so i had to used what i had handy. Different types of pens and a highlighter. :) Not my greatest piece of work, but it was definitely cathartic for me.
a Year ago i lost someone pretty important. Dusti Jo Barkley had given birth 2/14/2011. not even a week later she was taken to the hospital for trouble breathing, in which she was put into a medically induced coma to allow medicines and procedures to take affect. During this coma, she had a blod clot that travelled to her brain. Long, complicated story short, she was declared brain dead 2/24/11 and they took her off life support at midnight 2/25/2011. She didn't even get a full week with her son, Everett Waylan Barkley. This has been a rough year for all who knew and loved her, and it was only made harder and worse with the issues and problems that her now widow has caused. Thankfully those of us who truly knew and cared about her have been keeping her memory going and untarnished.
Having lived up in Flagstaff for almost two years, i had found a spot that became my go to when i need to get away and think. Hardly anyone went up there at night which made it so much easier to get away when i needed to. Now that i've moved back down to Phoenix, i miss this spot, especially lately when things have been going south. That is what has inspired my submission for February. Because this spot can only be truly enjoyed at night, when it is dead silent and pitch black that you feel like you could reach out and scoop the stars from the sky. The background picture for my blog is near the my hideaway. The way the sky is in this picture is compareable but not exact to my view. Yes, flagstaff is a dark city so the sky is this full and star studded. It is an amazing place to jsut go, stare, get lost in your thoughts and relax.
Right now with how things are going in my life, i need my spot more then ever, but must find another one if i'm to survive the trials and tribulations being thrown at me. I do recommend finding your own safe place and enjoy it often when you need to gather your thoughts and calm down. It makes a difference in your sanity.
My Submission:
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Safe place with the two that keep me sane... |
creative everyday challenge,
25 February 2012
So much easier said then done...
I've let people think that they can replace me, and thats partially my fault. i've vowed to myself never again, and yet its happened again with teh same damn person. I've decided that i cant keep being the petty, angry person i've been because of this person, and yet everytime i read something about how they've had fun with these replacements or how they are now the 'married couple' (used to be an inside joke about us), i hurt even more inside.
I can count how many true friends i have on one hand, with one finger. Its sad, but i really don't have anyone in my life at all, except for my parents. And i can't always go runing to them for everything or depend on them for everything and to have someone to do something with.
ugh! i honestly don't know what i'm trying to say on this damn post, except that i needed someplace to vent and don't have anywhere else but here. i have a pounding headache and just cant focus. grrr
but other then that, i had a good day. I went to see WICKED with my mom, aunt and a friend and it was absolutely amazing. Knew it was going to be, but very very rarely has a production moved me to tears. Just was in absolute awe...
guess i'll go crash now for the night. i have a ton of cleaning tomorrow to do before my work week and i have alot to plan for and need to figure out how i'm going to post my pictures for the creative challenge. I also need to figure out finances and start learning new ways to be creative. need my outlet for all the betrayal and frustration i've been feeling lately!
Pleasant dreams!!
I can count how many true friends i have on one hand, with one finger. Its sad, but i really don't have anyone in my life at all, except for my parents. And i can't always go runing to them for everything or depend on them for everything and to have someone to do something with.
ugh! i honestly don't know what i'm trying to say on this damn post, except that i needed someplace to vent and don't have anywhere else but here. i have a pounding headache and just cant focus. grrr
but other then that, i had a good day. I went to see WICKED with my mom, aunt and a friend and it was absolutely amazing. Knew it was going to be, but very very rarely has a production moved me to tears. Just was in absolute awe...
guess i'll go crash now for the night. i have a ton of cleaning tomorrow to do before my work week and i have alot to plan for and need to figure out how i'm going to post my pictures for the creative challenge. I also need to figure out finances and start learning new ways to be creative. need my outlet for all the betrayal and frustration i've been feeling lately!
Pleasant dreams!!
03 February 2012
2-3-12 Untitled
It won't shut off,
vivid memories of regret & betrayal.
Self destruct mode on,
Abort sequence never shared.
A sad cruel joke uttered behind bloodied backs.
Denial & wishful thinking,
the cyanide of a naive soldier.
Immunity grants a second chance too many.
Suicide is the only way to be free.
Slice the bondages with ones words,
and leap blindly.
I'm not entirely sure where this came from. I know im laying in bed at the moment, trying to sleep and yet my mind just will not shut off. I keep thinking about the same two things that keep overpowering all my sanity. I guess in a sense, this is a poem of myself being a soldier in a war of my depression. & suicide isn't meant as literal for me to do, but is meant that i need to sacrifice myself in order to be free of whats bothering me. ugh, i know what i mean and yet i cant get the words to work with me... *sigh* If i cannot think properly, cannot word properly... then it is surely time for bed for me. sleep well... as i hope my dreams are much better then last nights.
vivid memories of regret & betrayal.
Self destruct mode on,
Abort sequence never shared.
A sad cruel joke uttered behind bloodied backs.
Denial & wishful thinking,
the cyanide of a naive soldier.
Immunity grants a second chance too many.
Suicide is the only way to be free.
Slice the bondages with ones words,
and leap blindly.
I'm not entirely sure where this came from. I know im laying in bed at the moment, trying to sleep and yet my mind just will not shut off. I keep thinking about the same two things that keep overpowering all my sanity. I guess in a sense, this is a poem of myself being a soldier in a war of my depression. & suicide isn't meant as literal for me to do, but is meant that i need to sacrifice myself in order to be free of whats bothering me. ugh, i know what i mean and yet i cant get the words to work with me... *sigh* If i cannot think properly, cannot word properly... then it is surely time for bed for me. sleep well... as i hope my dreams are much better then last nights.
02 February 2012
Amazingly appropriate and happily coincidental
While looking up a few other songs, i came across this. I love her stuff, and i'm happy that shes finally releasing more. But this happened to be exactly how i've been feeling lately... reason why i don't allow myself to romantically feel for anyone....
Stereotypical title, i know. But i just could not think of something that would describe this point in my life. I'm changing. My World is changing. My views, my goals, my loved ones... They're all changing. I'm no longer the same Spring I was when i first moved back to the Valley.
I'm becoming better. I'm working out, trying to eat healthy, providing myself with mental goals and physical goals. ANything to keep me stimulated and to keep the dark thoughts at bay.
But i'm still hitting rough patches because of the hurt & betrayal from loved ones. They don't see where they've done me wrong and when i've tried to point it out, it got flipped on me. So needless to say, its just not worht the fight when i'm constantly made to be the bad guy. SO i'm just pulling up my 'boot straps' and carrying on. They will always be big parts of my life, but i will no longer let them think that they can replace me and i will still be there for them no matter what.
Now, i'm there for myself and my parents, & its mostly myself. THankfully my parnts understand and completley support me. And to be honest, it has taken everything in their control to not go completely MOTHER BEAR on the people who have hurt me. All the more reason why i have issues telling them when somethings bothering me or when i've been hurt. But i'm trying to be alot more honest with my parents. They deserve that much. I'm their only child and I'm tired of making them hurt because I won't tell them anything.
& now, i have to figure out how to tell the biggest disappointment to my father. & that scares me mroe then anything. I know i fucked up, BAD & HUGE!! but i don't know how to tell him and for him to understand what was going on. That i will make it up to him. I have a plan figured out that i think will work. If not, it can be fixed to work. Long story short, he paid for a semester of university about 2 weeks before the next events. I was stuck up in my college town without a job for almost 3 years. I was breaking, i was not healthy in any way and i was close to harming myself. I was planning my moms surprise 50th, making all invites by hand, making reservations, doing EVERYTHING. My old job got offered to me and i said yes without thinking. Well, when i cancelled my classes, the money was put into my bank account and not back on my dads card. I used some of it to pay for stuff for my moms party and i had mentioned it to my dad. he never mentioned it again, so like a dumbass and a very mentally unstable jobless broke college student, i spent it. I still don't know what the hell all the money went to. I barely remember anything during that time. Not one damn thing almost.
Again, i was depressed. Extremely! I was buying shit, buying animals, eating, screwing up my sleep schedules, not attending classes, all sorts of stuff. I was wanting to cut myself, to kill myself, to just wander off somewhere and never have anyone worry about me again. I was in a very bad place and i was trying to take care of it all on my own. & whats worse, my dad doesnt believe in depression. Especially doesnt understand why i would be depressed when he was covering everything (rent, food, bills, school, etc).
I felt like a waste, a burden. I wanted to fall off hte earth so that my dad never had to pay for another thing again. So my mom and i would stop fighting. SO i wouldn't embarrass then anymore and not be upset that i wasn't making them proud. There was so much going on and i wasn't able to handle it like i was in the past. And the fact that i felt like i was isolated from the world wasn't helping. None of my friends (save one when she was able to get a day off) would drive up and see me. I was driving down and only seeing one person. & it wasn't enough. My dream of going to my Dream College has become my prison cell. I wasn't making friends, was having issues with other students in classes, i was older then all of the kids in my classes and my room mate. Everyone i was around was fresh out of highschool, and here i was, 25-27 & i was just completley out of place.
I know they sound like excuses, but i have no way of emphasizing that i was in a bad bad place & i was struggling. & because of that, i blew thru a semester of tuition & honestly have no clue where the hell it went to. I've been trying to figure out where to get a loan to cover it so i can just pay off the loan and not worry about it, so i don't have to disappoint him yet again. & yet, thats all i'm going to do. Normally, it wouldn't be a big problem. Tell him, he doesn't talk to me for awhile while i try to fix the situation... but I work with him. So i will see him most of the days of my weeks. & this is the man who refused to talk to me when i got my nose pierced. My mom had to yell at him to talk to me because they were going on a trip and she didn't want somethign to happen and that be the last thing any of us remember. That we never said goodbye or love you. I wish he could look at it that i fucked up, i know i fucked up and i will make sure and fix this mistake ASAP.
Being an only child has its problems and this is definitely the worse of them. This burden is only mine to bear, i have no one else to depend on if they stop talking to me, and no matter what i do i will usually end up disappointing them because there is no one else to compare to.
ugh, my mind is this huge jumble now and now this post hasn't even really touched on what inspired it. Instead, i'm venting/bitching and dont even want to touch the original topic.... But its good that i'm blogging again. Quick fingers, keyboard and a mostly anonymous audience will help me get my life back on track. I'll be able to vent and not let things eat my alive, not dwell as much on situations and i WILL get creative again.
*fingers crossed* Nows the time for me to throw myself in a cocoon to become the butterfly/moth i'm destined to be... (haha, sorry, i laughed at how corney that sounds)...
I'm becoming better. I'm working out, trying to eat healthy, providing myself with mental goals and physical goals. ANything to keep me stimulated and to keep the dark thoughts at bay.
But i'm still hitting rough patches because of the hurt & betrayal from loved ones. They don't see where they've done me wrong and when i've tried to point it out, it got flipped on me. So needless to say, its just not worht the fight when i'm constantly made to be the bad guy. SO i'm just pulling up my 'boot straps' and carrying on. They will always be big parts of my life, but i will no longer let them think that they can replace me and i will still be there for them no matter what.
Now, i'm there for myself and my parents, & its mostly myself. THankfully my parnts understand and completley support me. And to be honest, it has taken everything in their control to not go completely MOTHER BEAR on the people who have hurt me. All the more reason why i have issues telling them when somethings bothering me or when i've been hurt. But i'm trying to be alot more honest with my parents. They deserve that much. I'm their only child and I'm tired of making them hurt because I won't tell them anything.
& now, i have to figure out how to tell the biggest disappointment to my father. & that scares me mroe then anything. I know i fucked up, BAD & HUGE!! but i don't know how to tell him and for him to understand what was going on. That i will make it up to him. I have a plan figured out that i think will work. If not, it can be fixed to work. Long story short, he paid for a semester of university about 2 weeks before the next events. I was stuck up in my college town without a job for almost 3 years. I was breaking, i was not healthy in any way and i was close to harming myself. I was planning my moms surprise 50th, making all invites by hand, making reservations, doing EVERYTHING. My old job got offered to me and i said yes without thinking. Well, when i cancelled my classes, the money was put into my bank account and not back on my dads card. I used some of it to pay for stuff for my moms party and i had mentioned it to my dad. he never mentioned it again, so like a dumbass and a very mentally unstable jobless broke college student, i spent it. I still don't know what the hell all the money went to. I barely remember anything during that time. Not one damn thing almost.
Again, i was depressed. Extremely! I was buying shit, buying animals, eating, screwing up my sleep schedules, not attending classes, all sorts of stuff. I was wanting to cut myself, to kill myself, to just wander off somewhere and never have anyone worry about me again. I was in a very bad place and i was trying to take care of it all on my own. & whats worse, my dad doesnt believe in depression. Especially doesnt understand why i would be depressed when he was covering everything (rent, food, bills, school, etc).
I felt like a waste, a burden. I wanted to fall off hte earth so that my dad never had to pay for another thing again. So my mom and i would stop fighting. SO i wouldn't embarrass then anymore and not be upset that i wasn't making them proud. There was so much going on and i wasn't able to handle it like i was in the past. And the fact that i felt like i was isolated from the world wasn't helping. None of my friends (save one when she was able to get a day off) would drive up and see me. I was driving down and only seeing one person. & it wasn't enough. My dream of going to my Dream College has become my prison cell. I wasn't making friends, was having issues with other students in classes, i was older then all of the kids in my classes and my room mate. Everyone i was around was fresh out of highschool, and here i was, 25-27 & i was just completley out of place.
I know they sound like excuses, but i have no way of emphasizing that i was in a bad bad place & i was struggling. & because of that, i blew thru a semester of tuition & honestly have no clue where the hell it went to. I've been trying to figure out where to get a loan to cover it so i can just pay off the loan and not worry about it, so i don't have to disappoint him yet again. & yet, thats all i'm going to do. Normally, it wouldn't be a big problem. Tell him, he doesn't talk to me for awhile while i try to fix the situation... but I work with him. So i will see him most of the days of my weeks. & this is the man who refused to talk to me when i got my nose pierced. My mom had to yell at him to talk to me because they were going on a trip and she didn't want somethign to happen and that be the last thing any of us remember. That we never said goodbye or love you. I wish he could look at it that i fucked up, i know i fucked up and i will make sure and fix this mistake ASAP.
Being an only child has its problems and this is definitely the worse of them. This burden is only mine to bear, i have no one else to depend on if they stop talking to me, and no matter what i do i will usually end up disappointing them because there is no one else to compare to.
ugh, my mind is this huge jumble now and now this post hasn't even really touched on what inspired it. Instead, i'm venting/bitching and dont even want to touch the original topic.... But its good that i'm blogging again. Quick fingers, keyboard and a mostly anonymous audience will help me get my life back on track. I'll be able to vent and not let things eat my alive, not dwell as much on situations and i WILL get creative again.
*fingers crossed* Nows the time for me to throw myself in a cocoon to become the butterfly/moth i'm destined to be... (haha, sorry, i laughed at how corney that sounds)...
shattered dreams
Fighting For My Survival
Lately, it seems like i'm just exisitng and allowing myself to keep being hurt. Well, i'm finding different ways to try and overcome this. Actually fight so i survive and LIVE.... Photo challenges, art challenges and writing challenges... I may start to become overwhelmed, but at least i will have some way of having an outlet... :) This year, it is all about me and perfecting myself and making myself SHINE!!
01 February 2012
NOTHING Left To Lose...
I'm at that point in my life where I don't know what the hell I'm doing or what I want to do. I have ideals of grandeur, things I wish to accomplish and experience. I’ve always let fear hold me back, tie me up and distract me. But not now.
I have NOTHING to lose.
Not one damned thing.
I’ve been living in a shallow grave for most of my life. Just floating around and existing. Letting things happen and not acting upon situations and chances. But now that I have no one holding me back, I can only head up and rise against all the wrongs done to me by others and myself.
I’ve let people think I’m replaceable, & now its time for me to show them I’m not.
I’ve been overlooked, ignored, replaced, taken advantage of, forgotten, lied to, hurt, destroyed, broken down, smothered, bittered, emotionally savaged, kicked, etc.
And I CANNOT & WILL NOT let it continue on. It is time that I become my own role model and make MYSELF proud.
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