My Soul is laid out before you. No hopes for acceptance , no need for forgiveness. Just me, bare and willing, being honest too far to measure...
30 November 2006
a realization.....
How do i find the one i want to love when i run from every possibility, fearing fakeness, lies, and suffer from self-criticizing.
24 November 2006
the skys will cry
HOw many times have i looked at this sky, and wondered, is the one for me looking at it also? But then i question this. What if my soul mate, the one to be with me through this life and every other, wont be found until a later life? What if they've meet their demise or were born in another time, another era? HOw do you find this so-called soulmate?
I believe in all the rumors of love, and all the rumors of soulmates, even though they havent been proven to me. The only thing i've seen is obsession being acted upon and suffering for a lifetime. And yet, i know thats not what its all about. I know theres more out there. Theres more to experience and theres more to learn.
With so many people on this earth, how can we be alone?
All I have to do is open my eyes and my heart and the one will come running into my being, and i'll never know what hit me.
*sigh* the simplicity of unorthodox love. A dream that so few have experienced, but many have cast aside.
secrets of the heart cannot be learned until the owner is willing to recognize them
Why, in my world, is it so much easy to not do, than to conquer? Important, needs done now tasks take a lifetime to get accomplished. But isn’t that how life should be? Enjoying it? Putting what needs to be done on hold to enjoy all that’s around you for just a little longer? In this world, where things can happen in the blink of an eye, do you want to go without enjoying it? Reality has started snapping its fingers in front of me, making me realize that the truth of the matter is that I need to live this life for myself. Live it to the fullest until someone comes along who will depend on me.
I’m simply a hypocritical, fool wandering around in this love impoverished world, looking for the missing chunks of a heart and finding nothing in return.
16 November 2006
My life is a carousel
Keep it all together, keep working, striving for the end. The end, a life of acceptance, a life of happiness, a life void of regrets. Work for who you wish to become, not what others want you to be.
{in the process of being realized... have patience, the author will share when she is ready}
13 November 2006
a million different ways, a million different hearts, n its u ive chosen.
But how i've soon realized those ties were simple cotton candy strings that were eaten by fate and irony while my back was turned to help another fellow friend out. Old ties, older than my life, are proving to be more true than just the old ties... New ties are helping me, helping me create and become the someone i wish to be... No room for the fakes, no room for the undedicated. Only room for me and those who wish to be here with me.
Life will keep throwing lemons at me, and i'll keep making the lemon meringue pies for all of society to enjoy. Throw them at me or at those who you hate, i will not hold it against you, since i supplied the "hate crime" weapon of choice...
12 November 2006
so many choices, so little life
11 November 2006
Am I Looking at Stars Underneath You?
These past few days, my heart has been tearing apart. I've thought about what needs to be done, what's been done and what should have been done. I'm being pulled in fifty-million directions and there's nowhere for me to hide to breathe. My hands shake with each letter I type, my eyes burn as each truth is carefully and painstakingly brought into reality. How did I let myself get into these situations? How did I let my heart get torn from the cavity of my soul?
Why didn't I say no and keep things to myself? So badly do I want to share and let myself pour open in hope that someone will care and lend an ear and not judge. How badly I have been proven wrong.
But these faceless people that I have meet, have proven to be what I need. They've shared with me and listened to me, but I don't wish to take advantage of it all. Take advantage and lose those freshly built friendships.
Ill educated, but loving to learn. Hate being corrected, even though I know I was wrong. I'm a walking hypocrite, a walking time-bomb. How can I get others to stand being around me, when I criticize everything I've done or said when no ones around? I'm told I'm witty, but I don't believe it. I hear or read what I've said, and I think to myself, "I sound childish, like the people I do not wish to have in my life, and yet I'm running away from them and not myself."
I don't know how to be real around people. I don't know what its like to carry on an intellectual conversation with people. No one wishes to learn about the other cultures I've read up on or to share information that they've learned. Its always conversations of no real importance. Movies, TV, BOYS… yes, those are good to talk about, but not all the time. Entice me, provoke me, challenge me. Those are the real things I look for…
Dating has never been big with me, neither has crushing on people. I drove myself towards one person in high school because I feared losing the person I had become in Junior high, someone who I shouldn't have been proud of.
And because of this, I lost sight of the few who treated me right. I clouded them out of my eyes as just friends. Or I talked them into dating my friends who liked them. I never believed I was anyone's type. Never believed anyone when they complimented me or wanted to go out with me. I had many doubts about who I was as a person. People tried to boost my esteem, but now, I don't think they ever really believed it. So many things are happening now to where I am starting to regret things in my past.
I put my happiness last. I believed that friends would always be the only thing I needed. That has proved fatally wrong. And now that I've realized this, its too late for the one someone who I think would have been perfect. Now I'm trying to track him down. If not to release my heart, to at least have him back in my life.
When he was around me, he was different. I could tell he was being himself. He walked me to class when his class was in another building or just down the hall. But he always walked me to class first. I always saw it as a friendship thing, nothing more. And the more and more I think about everything, the more I realized he was hinting, trying to become more than a friend. But why couldn't I see it? I was clouding my judgment, clouding those who saw me and liked what they saw. Never believed I was anyone's type, had low self esteem, even though I faked I didn't.
I've learned to lie to myself while I lie to others. A tricky feat, and one that's coming undone. I no longer wish to see myself the way I want to be seen. I'm seeing myself as I am, and I'm not happy. Now I'm putting myself first and am not putting up with what I used to. I'm coming off as a bitch, but I don't care anymore, my happiness is what I should be striving for. I have to put up with myself all the time, so I need to become what I want to become. A better person. I need too look after myself better and take better care of my sanity and my health. No more bowing down to others. I have a lot to accomplish before I start my new life up at NAU. And I'm getting to the point where I wish I had someone, HIM, to share it with.
The Truth of Heart Realized too Late
And he became awkward around me after that. But i remember all the small things that made him special to me. The song titles for his band, the projects he worked on for classes. i still have a guitar pik he gave me. I never realized until recently though, what a good guy was standing right there in front of me. And i dont know what happened but he changed. Something bad happened because he changed completely. I always caught glimpses of his inner self, of what he used to be, but then he tried to hide it completely.
I wish there was a way of finding him. Even if it is just to talk... Why is my heart hurting now? probably because i realized that giving my heart up for a friend was a stupid mistake. No one ever did it for me. It happened not once, but twice. Two different people. Two people who i think could have gone somewhere. but fear and friendship held me back. I had false ideals, false friendships, and even worse, false eyes.
I always thought that friendship should come before matters of the heart, but that isnt true. You need to just follow your heart, you need to open yourself up because friendship wont always be there, and neither will love. My heart's breaking too loudly, so i bid adieu....
10 November 2006
My hearts tearing itself open
I miss those days, more then anything, i miss them. I wish i could rewind and bring them back, give them chances, or keep in touch and have known them better... the regrets of the heart hurts worse than anything.
Life comes flying at me like a baseball bat
09 November 2006
Life is beginning to look fresher
Life keeps throwing me curve balls, and bends in my road, but i 'll mow them all down, i'll show the world what i'm capable of. That i can live up to my name, a name that was given to me out of hope and miracles. I will not make anyone disappointed anymore. I will not disappoint myself anymore. And i wont put up with anyone disappointing me either. I wont let myself be used anymore, i wont let myself be overlooked, i wont let myself be walked on. I now have something to strive for and i wont let myself be held back out of fear or lonliness. I'm no longer alone... I've made some true friends who worry about me, who actually care about me. THey dont know me in person, so they cant ask for money or chew my ear jsut to talk about themselves. They actually know my mind. Its a good feeling to have.
I'm sick of being around conversations of how drunk somone was, or how hot this boy/girl was or the sex theyve had/havent had recently. This is all trivial stuff. I want to talk about art, about authors and books, about the weather, about politcs, about things that weve learned recently. Anything that is small and insignificant, yet can speak a thousand ideas in a short amount of time. I wish to be surrounded by grownups, or those who strive to grow up. I'm not in highschool anymore, so why should i act and talk like one?

NAU will become my sanctity. The place where i shall become what i've always wanted. Ihope to become a better person, and i know i will. Its just a matter of how much time it takes.
Dreams await me tonight and forever.
Sweet dreams